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New Covid infections fall to 19 cases

作家相片: Good LifeGood Life

2021-02-03 HKT 17:38

The number of new Covid-19 infections declined for the third day running on Wednesday to a two-and-a-half-month low, though health officials cautioned that the local outbreak has yet to come under control.

All 19 new Covid cases reported were locally-acquired, and authorities weren’t able to identify the source of infection for seven cases – something that the Centre for Health Protection’s Dr Chuang Shuk-kwan says is a cause for concern.

“They live in various districts in the territory, so each case can spread to other cases. They are also sources of infection. I don’t think the current situation is completely under control,” she said.

One of the newly-reported cases is a 66-year-old man who was found dead in his Sheung Shui home on Friday.

He was confirmed to be infected after his death. One of his relatives had previously contracted Covid-19, but authorities were unaware that they met last month, so he was not classified as a close contact.

Another opportunity to find the infection was missed after a saliva sample he provided to a public clinic for testing leaked.

Officials said the clinic tried to contact him for another sample, but failed. He had sought help from the clinic after developing a cough last week.

The man’s relatives later reported him missing and he was found dead at home by police.

A nurse who works at a private clinic in Central has also contracted the virus via an unknown source.

About 20 other people have tested preliminary positive for the virus.

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