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Testing for helpers continues

June 2, 2021

The Labour Department today announced that it will continue to provide COVID-19 testing services for foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) at their popular gathering places on Sundays in June and during the Tuen Ng Festival.

Additionally, the department encouraged the helpers to get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect their own health as well as the health of their employers’ families and others.

Four mobile specimen collection stations will be set up at Chater Garden in Central, Hing Fat Street entrance of Victoria Park in Causeway Bay, Lai Chi Kok Park entrance and Tai Ho Road entrance of Tsuen Wan Park.

The stations will be open from 10am to 5pm on June 6, 13, 14, 20 and 27. Testing is voluntary and no appointment is required.

FDHs should bring along their Hong Kong identity card or passport, and register personal information on the spot at the government website by selecting “Non-Government Staff - Foreign domestic helpers” in order to receive an SMS notification of the test result.

The testing agent will collect specimens through combined nasal and throat swab and deliver the samples to the laboratory for testing. No personal information will be collected or retained by the testing agent.

Participants will be notified of a negative test result via SMS, while positive cases will be referred to the Department of Health’s Centre for Health Protection for follow-up.

For enquiries, call 2157 9537 or send an email.

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