The relaxation of anti-epidemic measures is a step in the right direction, Chief Executive Carrie Lam said today (05May2020).
Mrs Lam made the statement at a press conference this afternoon.
She said the Government will relax the requirement limiting group gatherings in public places to a maximum of four people. Starting from Friday, up to eight people can gather in public places.
"So raising the number from four to eight for the catering business and also for the prohibition against group gatherings under Cap 599G is not an exact science, but this is a step in the right direction of relaxation.
"Maybe in another 14 days’ time we will raise the number of eight to 10, to 12, to 15 and so on."
Regarding bars and pubs, Mrs Lam said these venues will be able to reopen but the Government will put in place requirements to prevent physical interactions.
"We have decided that perhaps to strike a pragmatic balance is to allow them to reopen for business but to put in far more stringent requirements."
Such requirements include no live music, band performances or dancing in bar premises.
"That would be another way to keep the social distance and prevent as much as possible physical interactions."
(To watch the full press conference with sign language interpretation, clickhere.)
