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Hong Kong relaxes social-distancing rules on local tour groups and weddings

  • Wedding ceremonies will be allowed up to 50 attendees, though food and drink will not be permitted, while travel agencies given checklist to abide by

  • But number of people allowed to gather in public likely to remain the same as city keeps an eye on travel bubble talks

Hongkongers will be able to join local tours of up to 30 people each and wedding ceremonies of no more than 50 guests starting from Friday, as officials revealed newly relaxed social-distancing measures on Tuesday ahead of an expected five new Covid-19 cases.

Travel agencies taking advantage of the new rules must implement a series of infection-control measures while operating tours, or risk losing out on subsidies or their right to run groups locally.

Tour groups and wedding ceremonies were previously subject to caps of four and 20 people, respectively.

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2024年9月27日 政府宣布,本港外籍家庭傭工的規定最低工資將調高2.5%,由現時每月4,870元增加至4,990元,膳食津貼則維持每月不少於1,236元。   新的規定最低工資水平適用於明日起簽訂的外傭合約。   政府按既定機制定期檢討外傭的規定最低工資。今年的檢討已仔...


政府今日(九月三十日)宣布,本港外籍家庭傭工(外傭)的「規定最低工資」將調高百分之二點二,由現時每月4,630元增加至4,730元。 此外,根據聘用外傭的「標準僱傭合約」,僱主必須為外傭提供免費膳食。現時絕大部分僱主均為外傭提供免費膳食,但僱主亦可選擇以膳食津貼代替。該膳食...


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