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Travel bubble talks underway

作家相片: Good LifeGood Life

Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Edward Yau today said the Government has approached 11 countries to discuss setting up travel bubbles.

Speaking to the media this afternoon, Mr Yau explained that discussions with some countries including Japan and Thailand are underway.

When asked about a timetable for establishing travel bubbles and relaxing travel restrictions, Mr Yau said it depends on various factors.

“The timetable for creating a travel bubble would be a matter of striking a bilateral agreement between Hong Kong and the partnering country. It all depends on how ready and how comfortable both parties are with the situation.

“Now, the question on our readiness is a matter of whether we can agree on the protocol. I mentioned details about the essential feature in that protocol, which includes a pre-boarding COVID-19 test, which must be mutually recognised by the respective health authorities. I mentioned details about the double insurance by ensuring travellers have it upon arrival during port health checks. Plus, we must address any additional measures, which may be printed in the receiving countries documents.”

Further discussions are needed before rolling out any plans, Mr Yau added.

Mr Yau also expressed hope that social distancing measures adopted in theme parks and exhibition venues could be lifted on September 18 if the situation permits.

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